Summer Camp, Crows Nest Pass

August 14-16, 2014

We took the list of great opportunities from this beautiful area and put together our summer camp.  Our main activities were to hike to the top of Turtle Mountain and then tackle Star falls the next day. We had lots of other fun interesting filler activities as well.   

We stayed at the Chinook Lake camp ground. It's just west of Coleman. Real nice place with a beach on the lake and a trail all around the lake that's just as pretty as Lake Louis, just less people. 

Assigned Tasks

Leader/Coordinator: ---
Menu / Groceries / Duty Roster: Taysen & Duke
Maps, Lists, Agenda: ---
Group Gear List: RJ
Activities & Games: Hale
Journalist: Jeff

Team Members

Karl Burndorfer, Dave Proctor, Nigel Kennet - Scout Leaders
Taysen Saravia, Duke Buchanan,  RJ Liago, Hale Aquino, Isaac Gagnon, Sam Erasmus, Javon Falconer, Jeff Thompson, Michael Laigo, Josh Thompson - Scouts
Sam D. Burndorfer - Chief Scout Dog

Campground and Activities

Location & Details
Chinook Lake Campground Map

Photo Library 

Day One
IMG_3260.JPG (1994716 bytes) We started off the trip with a bit of rain. IMG_3261.JPG (1899547 bytes) It started to lighten up a bit and then we could start to make out images on the road. IMG_3262.JPG (1979317 bytes)  There, you can see the pavement lines  finally.  IMG_3264.JPG (1470178 bytes) When we got into the Crows Nest area we were driving beside clouds, through clouds and above clouds. 
DSCN3986.JPG (1782639 bytes) Duke & Taysen had planned for baked potatoes and corn on the cob. All nicely wrapping in individual servings and kept warm in thermal cooler packed with towels and sleeping bags.   DSCN3987.JPG (1570443 bytes) Nothing like a nice hot meal when it's totally dark, but at least your tent is all setup.  Oh, these are definitely better with Catsup? DSCN3988.JPG (1770676 bytes) Want to see me chew off the kernels without holding the cob! DSCN3989.JPG (1653969 bytes) I only look tired. It will be while before I really fall asleep.
2 8-man tents were setup, 1 leader tent between them. Only one tent succeeded in their attempt to get some sleep. And it wasn't the leader tent. 

Day Two
Day Three