Water Games - Dealing with Global Warming

May 04, 2016

Boys were responsible to plan an activity and invite the girls. Everything is always better outdoors and the spring weather forecasts were warmer than usual. So it only made sense to host the 2nd Willow Park Water Games. 

The 1st one was a couple years ago and provided the benefit of experience for some of the older members. 

Previous Water Games

Planning / Instruction

Folks can bring whatever they like:
water guns, smaller buckets, water bottles, tea cups, etc. For the hard core folks maybe a shield.

Bring camera's to get all those great action shots, but be careful not to get them wet. Make sure your cell phones are OK to get wet, or leave them in a vehicle or some place safe.

We will try to have 2 Refueling stations, one on either side of the church. This will allow for 2 teams. Inside the building is off limits during the game. 
The winning team will be determined by the square inches of dry cloths left. 

Light refreshments will be provided outside (Cool lemon water and donuts)

Team Members

Giancarlo De Silva, Darren Stone, David Crane, Karl Burndorfer, Juan Piņeiro, and some YW leaders - Youth Leaders
RJ, Michael, Hale, Isaac, Aston, Sam, Abraham, phantom showing of Ethan - Scouts

Photo Library

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