Turtle Mountain - Summit Hike

Feb, 2000.

The group decided to take on a climbing challenge and headed off to the Crows Nest Pass to get a view of the Frank Slide from the top.

Picture Gallery:

AA23BaseCampBreakfast.jpg (34608 bytes) Base camp breakfast AA25BreakFastCooks.jpg (30073 bytes) The cooks A00LoadingPacks.jpg (37213 bytes) Loading the packs... A01SherpasChoosingTrail.jpg (45260 bytes) The Sherpa's choosing the path. A02TheRealAscentBegins.jpg (30820 bytes) The real ascent begins.
A03ChrisLylePullUpRear.jpg (49319 bytes) Chris and Lyle pull up the rear. A04KarlSlidingOnRock.jpg (46739 bytes) Karl sliding on the rock. A05CoolHikingSticks.jpg (48884 bytes) Cool hiking sticks. A06MichaelHikingDeepInThought.jpg (35539 bytes) Michael hiking while deep in thought. A08LookHowHighWeveGot.jpg (38539 bytes) Look how high we got! 
A09TownGotSmaller.jpg (50287 bytes)  Town sure got smaller. A10LookAntsOnHwy.jpg (52572 bytes) Looks like ants on the hwy. A12UpAndAtEm.jpg (36948 bytes) Up and at em, boys. A13KarlReadyAimSquirt.jpg (48098 bytes) Ready, aim, squirt. Thanks dad. A14LyleThisIsEasyNot.jpg (47749 bytes) Lyle: This is easy, not!
A15AnotherPlateauHigher.jpg (54418 bytes) Another plateau higher. A16JasonLetGoLazyButts.jpg (57556 bytes) Jason: Lets go, lazy butts. A17CheckingForStraglers.jpg (53611 bytes) Checking for stragglers. A18SpudHowToStartAvalanche.jpg (47512 bytes) Strider: How to start avalanches. A19MichealAttemptsNatualLuge.jpg (37572 bytes) Michael attempts the natural luge.
A20KarlFollowsMichael.jpg (41364 bytes)Karl follows Michael. A21SpudFollowsKarl.jpg (40982 bytes)c Strider follows Karl. A23DanielFollowsSpudAlmost.jpg (34636 bytes) Daniel follows Strider. C00SpudLookSnowFleas.jpg (25582 bytes) Strider: Look, snow fleas. C03JasonYourOn.jpg (37112 bytes) Jason, your on!
C04DanielIllTakeAllOn.jpg (45520 bytes) Daniel: I'll take you all on... C06LyleOutOfFire.jpg (37012 bytes) Lyle staying out of the line of fire. C07DanielWithAllies.jpg (45852 bytes) Daniel with his allies. C08MichaelSnowBallFightAny1.jpg (47618 bytes) Michael: Snowball fight anyone? C10JasonSpudWrestle1.jpg (25711 bytes) Jason and Strider take it up to wrestling.
C11JasonSpudWrestle2.jpg (27359 bytes) The grapple. C12JasonSpudWrestle3.jpg (26476 bytes) The bear hug. C13JasonSpudWrestle4.jpg (28839 bytes) The roll. C17EdgeOfFrankSlide.jpg (42307 bytes) Edge of Top Frank Slide. C18SummitInSight.jpg (32734 bytes) The summit in sight. 
C19SummitExpiditionTeam.jpg (29680 bytes) The real summit expedition team. C21InsideTopEdgeOfSlide.jpg (36997 bytes) Inside top edge of the slide.  C22SummitTeamNoOxygen.jpg (31318 bytes) Summit team and no oxygen!