Tree Planting - Conservation 

June 14,  2014, with training May 15, 2014

Nat and Ethan have been working on their World Conservation Badge and the rest of the troop have help them out. In May we had Denys come out and teach us a few things., He had worked with in BC Forestry and had lots of experience replanting trees. He provided a lot of tips on the why and how for tree planting. 

We worked with Mike from our local Chinook Council to help us to join in on this event. Their group worked hard and got some great corporate sponsors to help provide funds for trees, food and a bunch of other stuff.  

We even ran into and old friend from Calgary South stake, Bruce Cahoon, who was on the team and serving us boys hamburgers. 

Tem Members

Jason Smith, Karl Burndorfer, Nigel Kennett, Glenn Buchanan, Dave Proctor, Peter Erasmus - YM Leaders
Denys Beams, Maki Ohba, Tom Ohba - Parents & Experts
Hale Aqino, RJ Laigos, Michael Laigos, Ethan Conrad, Austin Smith, Devin Obha, Javon Falconer, Preston Layton, Tayson Saravia, Sam Erasmus  - Scouts

Maps and stuff

Map to Planting area
Map of Planting area

Photo Library

Training After a very informative discussion from Denys on all the reasons we need trees and all their benefits, he forgot to mention the most important one. They are great for climbing!
IMG_2655.JPG (4260334 bytes) Great for showing our family tree... IMG_2656.JPG (4184116 bytes) Devin is the root and Jeff and are his branches. IMG_2657.JPG (4048728 bytes) They also make good drums IMG_2658.JPG (3316962 bytes) And the lower branches can comb your hair.
 IMG_2659.JPG (2500488 bytes) You could tickle them  IMG_2660.JPG (2726763 bytes) You could have an arm wrestle with them IMG_2661.JPG (3050720 bytes) Ride them like a pony. IMG_2662.JPG (2437462 bytes) Hide things in their pockets.
IMG_2663.JPG (3374018 bytes) Do exercises with them IMG_2664.JPG (4309437 bytes) They provide nice homes for ants and other bugs IMG_2665.JPG (4199635 bytes) and great 'King of the Castle' games IMG_2666.JPG (4308286 bytes) We got him down. come on, quick, climb up. 
IMG_2667.JPG (3596330 bytes) Javon's still the King IMG_2668.JPG (3586019 bytes) Tayson's now in on the game.  IMG_2669.JPG (3784725 bytes) Kind of harsh on the arm pits there.  IMG_2670.JPG (3752153 bytes) Bit rough on the knee there. 
IMG_2671.JPG (3184179 bytes) Bit raspy on the belly button now.  IMG_2672.JPG (2992575 bytes) That's it. I'm getting my Velcro suit on now.  IMG_2673.JPG (3467720 bytes) You mean we have to go....  
Tree Planting  


DSCN3569.JPG (4299252 bytes) GPS Coordinate in? Check! DSCN3570.JPG (3932650 bytes) 1st pee break. Sam's got the fence post covered.  DSCN3571.JPG (3730237 bytes) Definitely could use a few more trees around here.  DSCN3572.JPG (3772842 bytes) Careful you don't step on any.
DSCN3573.JPG (4311773 bytes) Great soil eh! DSCN3574.JPG (3579375 bytes) Can we opt for a "no leash" experience here? DSCN3575.JPG (3970024 bytes) Perfect spot.  DSCN3576.JPG (4170308 bytes) I'll keep guard, you dig. Never know when a bear's going to sneak up on you.
DSCN3577.JPG (3444957 bytes) This is great quality soil here.  DSCN3578.JPG (3481438 bytes) Pounding in the home made Dibble tool.   DSCN3579.JPG (3943755 bytes) Lots of rocks and roots down there. 

Keep pounding, I got the bear thing covered. 

DSCN3580.JPG (3515108 bytes) We're trying it with the old fashioned garden trowel. 
DSCN3581.JPG (3886517 bytes) OK, lets try the dibble.  DSCN3582.JPG (3532251 bytes) This is better.  DSCN3583.JPG (3610639 bytes) Drop it into the hole and pack a bit of around it. Done.  DSCN3584.JPG (3493466 bytes) Who says this is back breaking work?
DSCN3585.JPG (3730649 bytes) Let plant ours here in the shady areas.  DSCN3586.JPG (3685097 bytes) Maybe a slightly rounder hole would help to get it in.  DSCN3587.JPG (4087056 bytes) According to my cell phone, this should be the right spot.  DSCN3588.JPG (3917460 bytes) Team work. 
DSCN3589.JPG (3695220 bytes) Team work, with a Forman.  DSCN3590.JPG (4134205 bytes) Cold and rainy in Calgary DSCN3591.JPG (4046324 bytes) Kind of hot here! You can tell by the length of my tongue. DSCN3592.JPG (4061671 bytes) So, you date girls right?
DSCN3593.JPG (4295196 bytes) So if we're going to work in the shade, can you move a little to the right? DSCN3594.JPG (3772041 bytes) Gee, I found another 20 trees. DSCN3595.JPG (4039195 bytes) I could water that for you as soon as you plant it.  DSCN3596.JPG (3978429 bytes) Does dog pee work as fertilizer?
DSCN3597.JPG (3801261 bytes) That's my tree, buddy, don't touch it! DSCN3598.JPG (4352648 bytes) You can get out of a lot of work with the right smile.  No, no, I can still hold these for you.  DSCN3599.JPG (4053415 bytes) So do we look like lumberjacks yet? DSCN3600.JPG (3825644 bytes) You look like a tourist grandpa. Who packs a camera that big?
DSCN3601.JPG (3746600 bytes) Down to our last 5 trees, and even the foreman is working. DSCN3602.JPG (3894005 bytes) These are green thumbs, well, maybe tan and beige. DSCN3603.JPG (4006687 bytes) I've been told girls dig guys with their thumbs up. DSCN3604.JPG (3885623 bytes) Did those guys just fall down that cliff?
DSCN3605.JPG (4086956 bytes) They did, and they're OK. DSCN3606.JPG (4178071 bytes) Lunch call. Time to drop everything. DSCN3607.JPG (4026706 bytes) Do I really have to stop working? DSCN3609.JPG (4181867 bytes) Man, I'm so thirsty even this mud puddle taste refreshing!
Lunch Time      
DSCN3608.JPG (3778811 bytes) Now these are burgers. DSCN3610.JPG (4215418 bytes) Almost got #2 down, need that drink. DSCN3611.JPG (3877588 bytes) It's great when you're expecting hotdogs and they give you burgers instead. DSCN3612.JPG (3979015 bytes) You can still talk even with your cheeks full of burger.
DSCN3613.JPG (4073978 bytes) Fancy meeting our old friend Bruce Cahoon out here serving us hamburgers. DSCN3614.JPG (4007423 bytes) Don't let anyone see me! DSCN3615.JPG (4299669 bytes) I'm stashing a couple hamburger in here, so we'll be set next time we're back. DSCN3616.JPG (4388024 bytes) They can see dirt on your nose?
Think they'll figure it out?
DSCN3617.JPG (4340438 bytes) I'll just make like one of the kitchen staff and see if we can score any more patties! DSCN3618.JPG (4274667 bytes) Might be something over here?    
DSCN3619.JPG (3766420 bytes) Gravel mountain race. DSCN3620.JPG (4079220 bytes) Sam takes 3rd place at just under 2 minutes  DSCN3621.JPG (4262984 bytes) Michael tries to find an easier route up. DSCN3622.JPG (4339380 bytes) Javon's at the top, but it's just like the "Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump". 2 more steps and he's of the cliff edge.
DSCN3623.JPG (3964761 bytes) Sam takes the 2 steps and head down. DSCN3624.JPG (4248857 bytes) Definitely easier running down. DSCN3625.JPG (3641151 bytes) Sam challenges Javon for a 2nd round. DSCN3626.JPG (3612502 bytes) Javon's closing the gap. Sam pick up on it and puts the 4 wheel drive into action.
DSCN3627.JPG (4321477 bytes) Winner and new Champion, Sam! DSCN3628.JPG (4430475 bytes) OK, Where's the water now.    
DSCN3629.JPG (4248113 bytes) All you can drink Sam! DSCN3630.JPG (4836986 bytes) Skipper throwing contest. DSCN3631.JPG (4832918 bytes)  
DSCN3632.JPG (3961874 bytes) Activity working with clay. 
MJ was here.
DSCN3633.JPG (4280713 bytes) River crossing game. Hales indicates he's only good till the water gets to the top of his boots.

 DSCN3634.JPG (4366921 bytes) Engineering projects. Still need about 2-3 metric tonnes of nice big rocks.

DSCN3635.JPG (4331945 bytes) More consulting needed.
DSCN3636.JPG (4329642 bytes) You need this integral small rock here. DSCN3637.JPG (4316451 bytes) Maybe we can just use rocks from the water and then we don't need to carry them. DSCN3638.JPG (4352049 bytes) Anyone into "Bite the Bubble"? It's a cool game! DSCN3639.JPG (4370643 bytes) So you guys don't want to play "Bite the Bubble"?
DSCN3640.JPG (3667631 bytes) It's an ok 1 player game. Get a bit muddy making the bubbles. DSCN3641.JPG (3803581 bytes) Gets a bit gritty on your teeth too. DSCN3642.JPG (3831337 bytes) Well, off to find another puddle. DSCN3643.JPG (4268615 bytes) I don't think were going to find enough rocks to get all the way?
DSCN3644.JPG (4266119 bytes) Come on, we only need around 200 more! DSCN3645.JPG (4510280 bytes) OK, lets at least show off it's structural strength. DSCN3646.JPG (4463313 bytes) and our shoes are staying dry. DSCN3647.JPG (4222515 bytes) His aren't going to be.
DSCN3648.JPG (4418557 bytes) Did I tell you I hate baths? DSCN3649.JPG (4927219 bytes) Careful, not up the nose. DSCN3650.JPG (4966195 bytes) Hey, that's cold water, careful on the tummy. DSCN3651.JPG (4857145 bytes) Finally, done. Did I tell you I hate baths?
DSCN3654.JPG (4957060 bytes) Maybe I need a bath too? DSCN3655.JPG (4369205 bytes) There's no fish in there, right? DSCN3656.JPG (4366085 bytes) Nope, just Water Mochasins and eels.  
Some shots from Glen      
Great event everyone!