River Cleanup - Environmental Project

May 15, 2007 

Ben 's started his environmental project out with a River Cleanup. Trouble was most of the banks we had gone to after the main Sunday event were already done. So we went over to a well known bridge with a little less water under it, but boy was there a lot of garbage.  



Team Assignments:

leader / coordinator: Ben Burndorfer

Willow Park Team Members

Darren Stone, Tom Elford,  Karl Burndorfer,  - Leaders
Jordan Johnson, Darren Gardner, Ben Burndorfer,  Nathan Johnson - Scouts
Young Women's group were invited and graciously accepted to help

Photo Library

DSC00426.JPG (3247385 bytes) We start here right? DSC00435.JPG (2965302 bytes) Hey people live under this bridge DSC00432.JPG (2859663 bytes) Look at all the suff. DSC00441.JPG (3322775 bytes) I guess they could have cart races for entertainment.
DSC00427.JPG (3039010 bytes) Hey look, tons of litter DSC00430.JPG (2963033 bytes) It going to be a lot cleaner when we're done. DSCN1129.JPG (791776 bytes) Don't run into traffic eh! DSC00428.JPG (3380604 bytes) There really a lot of garbage in here. You just need really long arms.
DSC00447.JPG (3329655 bytes) Eh, get to work, enough pictures. DSC00431.JPG (3403711 bytes) There's prickle bushes in here! DSCN1130.JPG (787983 bytes) Huh, Bag full already  
DSCN1135.JPG (747986 bytes) Those bushes rip you to bits. Check out the scratches. DSCN1136.JPG (774899 bytes) We'll just do along this path here, OK. DSCN1137.JPG (808283 bytes) Can you find Waldo DSCN1142.JPG (757882 bytes) We know 1st Aid you know. Can we help to with that sore leg.
DSCN1140.JPG (778922 bytes) Oh, there some more. getImage4.jpeg (78664 bytes) Sweet, an bike DSCN1145.JPG (778578 bytes) Cleaning our environment is rewarding isn't it? DSCN1128.JPG (717144 bytes)
DSCN1141.JPG (761515 bytes) Now that's garbage DSCN1147.JPG (742155 bytes) Yup, just us and garbage. DSC00453.JPG (3413842 bytes) I wasn't smiling, take it again please. DSCN1148.JPG (743466 bytes) It's hard work at the other end too.
DSC00456.JPG (2148807 bytes) See my owee, right there. DSC00457.JPG (2462208 bytes) Bronzy still in action after all these years.