Nerf Wars - Evening Activity

July 28, 2021

Seems the nerf technology has gone up a notch. Our ward bucket of 36 Single Shot guns is getting eclipsed with units punching out larger ammo with semi-auto rounds.  

Team Members

Hudson, Jack, Ike, Lucius, Josh, Ephraim, Michael, Philip, Chris  - Young men
 Sam, Sherry, Sheila - Young Women
Karl, Jason, Brain, Daniel, Bishop - Leaders
20210728_193341.jpg (7291999 bytes) Hudson bolting out, and emptying out all his ammo. 20210728_193342.jpg (6072341 bytes) Big guns means slow reload time. 20210728_193343.jpg (7173937 bytes) Looking for cover now... 20210728_193408.jpg (2981852 bytes) Body's taking a lot of hits here, can he swing himself back onto the stage? 
20210728_193408.jpg (2981852 bytes) Ike hunkering down  20210728_193416.jpg (2273253 bytes) Jason packing out the musket fire.  20210728_193418.jpg (2285612 bytes) Got some decent range there.  20210728_193418.jpg (2285612 bytes) Both Brian and Jason hammer in on the same foe. 
20210728_193418.jpg (2285612 bytes) Magazines all empty in no time.   All in a good night of fun. But we did need to allocate about 1/2 hour to rounding up the spray of ammunition.