Winter Camp - Mosquito Creek 

February 13-14, 2020

The boys switched things up this time.  The boys wanted a bigger reach and thought if the congregation was invited, and they could invite their neighbours, we'd be able to make a lot more sandwiches. The plan worked.  We delivered around 120 sandwich loaves, which the ladies dropped off to the Calgary Drop-in Centre the next day.

Team Members

Josh, Jack, Ephraim, Michael, Hudson, Ashton, Bowen,  - Young men
Karl, Jade, Bishop - Leaders
Sofia, Ethan - Grandkids

Photo Library

20200209_150105.jpg (2967154 bytes) Another one of those camp with "No dogs allowed". I'll be thinking of you. P.S. Save a couple patties for me.    18 years ago at the same place we were trying out Alpine Touring skiing. BowSummitAlpineTouring.JPG (192020 bytes)
Thursday was a mild winter day, complements of a Chinook that had come in.  20200213_102126.jpg (511769 bytes) Some weird floating mountain ranges as we start to come out of the cloud. 20200213_102617.jpg (1041991 bytes) Almost passed the edge of the arch and you see some inverted dish shapes with ridges. They might just beam us up!!!  
HI-Mosquito-Creek-Wilderness-Hostel.jpg (153400 bytes) So Picturesque, eh! 20200213_121631.jpg (3099188 bytes) Nice big living-room with wrap-round picture windows. Have to get this central fireplace going. It involve fire and we're scouts! 20200213_122253.jpg (3649401 bytes) Nice of them to provide 2 cargo toboggans. It's almost like valet service 20200213_122255.jpg (4097677 bytes) That low friction, you hardly notice there's any weight. 
20200213_122255.jpg (4097677 bytes) That sure seems like a lot of cargo for us just needing to bring a tooth brush and a bathing suit.  20200213_122932.jpg (2982570 bytes) First winter camp where the quinzees were already made for you.  20200213_122938.jpg (3391198 bytes) Of course it could use some renovations dear. Extra room in the back, right. I'll get on it. 20200213_123355.jpg (3305046 bytes) Is this where we sleep?  Its like the opposite of a s'more. Marshmallow on top and bottom, cookie part in the middle.
20200213_123436.jpg (3795399 bytes) Jack, one of our first timers for a winter camp, is sporting the best in outdoor gear. No snow going to stick on me! But I could get buried if all this snow slid off. 20200213_123438.jpg (3575137 bytes) Whoa, I thinks its moving! 20200213_125210.jpg (3165061 bytes)  
Our first meal. Michael has Hudson, Ephraim and himself on cooking. It's taco's in a bag.  20200213_125210.jpg (3165061 bytes) Hudson, another one of our first timers to a winter camp, seems quite a natural in the kitchen.  20200213_125214.jpg (3166811 bytes) He's into high gear now and still smiling. He knows its all about attitude. 20200213_125221.jpg (3272870 bytes) Chopping it fine, with the biggest knife you can find. 
20200213_125228.jpg (3193892 bytes) Did you know frozen patties are cheaper than ground hamburger? Bit more work breaking these babies up for the taco filling, but you got to make sacrifices on a budget.  20200213_125242.jpg (3236993 bytes) Anyone want to try Tang crystals in their milk?     
Dinner cleanup crew is Bowen, Josh, and Jake. 20200213_154319.jpg (2875137 bytes) Tough breaking up the outdoor fun to do dishes. Waters been heating on the stove and now ready.  20200213_154419.jpg (4354434 bytes) What's that? Well that's what came out of the sink drain. Turns out the leaders didn't suggest it wasn't a good idea to drain the patty grease into sink. They were just trying to make it more palatable for our meal.   
After an immense struggle we made it what looks like a pretty good tobogganing hill. Snow shoes would have made that part way easier. 20200213_160509.jpg (3176861 bytes) Now we see the difference between cotton and fuzzy cloths in the snow and those smooth nylon types. Trying to carve a new path. Video. 20200213_160821.jpg (3022782 bytes) The view when you poke your head out of the snow at the bottom.
Still trying to carve out that new path. Need to work out the seating first though. Video. The snow plow... Video. 20200213_161339.jpg (2980155 bytes) How can I jump in and not just get run over? They other guys pull you on, or not? Video.
20200213_161423.jpg (3137919 bytes) Carnage at the bottom. 20200213_161427.jpg (1445798 bytes) Jake putting in all he's got to get up the hill. Legs keeps dropping deeper in the snow. G-T Snowracer run starts to be backwards... Video. The pit crew give it all they got and down he goes... Classic finish. Video.
20200213_161918.jpg (2837339 bytes) Trying out a fresher run. Hard to tell the dips unless someone's gone before Josh is spent. Michael tries to reach out and pull him up. Video. Jakes Torpedo run. Video. 20200213_162517.jpg (3112821 bytes) Jack slogging it back up.
20200213_162518.jpg (3065761 bytes) A guy might think this is easy...  20200213_162520.jpg (3289843 bytes) Then you sink and do a face-plant 20200213_162526_001.jpg (1373135 bytes) Then you luck out on some previously packed foot prints 20200213_162529.jpg (3094324 bytes) And then they give way...
20200213_162533.jpg (3268759 bytes) And then you're snowblind! 20200213_162726.jpg (3691591 bytes) Josh riding a Snow Whale. They're rare.  20200213_162737.jpg (1986693 bytes) I thinks its getting ready to dive under this fence...  
Dinner time - Intro cooking with basic burgers 20200213_172626.jpg (1828291 bytes) It's much easier frying a patty than breaking it up for ground beef. 20200213_173147.jpg (2859114 bytes) Sausages, hamburgers, cheese and veggies on a bun. That's a complete balance meal right! 20200213_173157.jpg (3134407 bytes) Just need more food. These crazy outdoor activities just make you ravenous.
Time to get the Sauna ready... 20200213_174545.jpg (2859930 bytes) So the snow's suppose to sizzle when it hits the stove. 20200213_174548.jpg (3120238 bytes) Yah, just land it right where the chimney come up.  Sssssss, that's the sound. 20200213_174555.jpg (3163923 bytes) Need more steam...
20200213_174614.jpg (2950818 bytes) More, faster... 20200213_175340.jpg (2859799 bytes) Not quite ready for the bathing suits. 20200213_175351.jpg (3063931 bytes) So higher up is warmer right! 20200213_221530.jpg (3122573 bytes) And wrap up the night with some really late night games... 2:00 am, 3:00 am?
Early morning and the peeps are all still sleeping. 
Except Ashton who passed out with the a bunch of straggles and took on feeding the fire all night. It was a toasty warm living room that morning.. 
20200214_070845.jpg (3006729 bytes) Assessing breakfast options...  Maybe Cherry Turnovers. 20200214_071508.jpg (3718939 bytes) I think moths do this when they go from caterpillar to pupa. 20200214_080432.jpg (4314096 bytes) Dang, Can opener just fell apart. Good thing a scout is prepared and knows how to fix stuff.
20200214_080434.jpg (3366569 bytes) Squeeze that clippy thing in here and ... 20200214_080456.jpg (3329221 bytes) Presto, a re-working can opener. Breakfast progression can resume. 20200214_084251.jpg (3233407 bytes) Covering some of the finer points of puff pastry baking with the new guys. 20200214_084330.jpg (3422418 bytes) After a light egg wash you sprinkle on the coarse sugar crystals...
20200214_084337.jpg (3105491 bytes) We're experimenting with these larger format dough sheets.  20200214_085828.jpg (3400236 bytes) While the gaming resumes in the living room the early birds from the kitchen break into the first batch of crispy puff. 20200214_085839.jpg (2842735 bytes) OK, seems size matters. At least in primitive gas ovens.  Maybe putting them on a separate sheet and keeping them in longer.    
Snowshoeing is the order of the day. At least its easier to get to the slops. As opposed to wading through waist deep snow.  20200214_101858.jpg (3348229 bytes) Older boys helping the younger. Such examples... 20200214_101947.jpg (3198721 bytes) Certain materials really act as snow magnets.  20200214_102008.jpg (3192197 bytes) Makes for stiff frozen pant legs too. 
20200214_112608.jpg (3322483 bytes) This drink didn't cause a brain freeze. It caused a mind freeze.  20200214_112616.jpg (3129665 bytes) The real breakfast crew kicks in... 20200214_112623.jpg (3186783 bytes) Some strong arm pot scrubbing and cleaning... 20200214_112704.jpg (3400061 bytes) While the kids play. Just like home.  
20200214_113628.jpg (3392709 bytes) Bishop is liking the 2 main dishes here, Bacon and Eggs, and done to perfection and the senior kitchen staff. 20200214_114030.jpg (3205878 bytes) Building a breakfast burrito here.  20200214_114050.jpg (2963417 bytes) Excellent breakfast. New day plans start to be worked out.  
It's like 12:30 and checkout time is like 10:00. Sure nice these guys are flexible. 20200214_125224.jpg (4242963 bytes) Hauling the bags with their tooth brush to the vans. 20200214_125230.jpg (3406732 bytes) Ever try peeing and not take off your snowshoes?