Lineham Lake - Backpacking Camp

Aug 1 - Aug 3, 2006  3D Map of trail & lakes 

This was our summer camp and offered us all the various  physical challenges. .

Route with Waypoints

Team Members

Tom Elford, Kevin Aneka, Karl Burndorfer - Adult Leaders
Jordan Johnson, Darren Gardner, Tyler Vance, Matt Vance, Matt Swerid, Eli Elford, Ben Burndorfer, Shamir Bechar, Nathan Johnson - Scouts

Tuesday - Hike In

Wednesday - Catching all the lakes

Thursday - Exit Strategies


About Lineham Lakes Area

The official trail ends about 500m short of the falls (signed), but there are numerous hikers’ trails to the falls and cliff. Just make sure you can find your way back to the official trail, to get out.


Access to the lakes from this point is considered a hazardous activity and all parties wishing to continue across the cliff, into the lakes, require a Hazardous Activity Permit from Parks Canada. The cliff is extremely narrow, is frequently used by mountain goats and bighorn sheep, and is very slippery when wet.