This was a World Conservation project taken on by Kirk Snider and assisted by Strider Zobel. They were supported by their Leaders and their fellow scouts in completing this project. Friends of Kananaskis contact, Don Cocherton, was contacted and he offered the challenge to our boys to help create a new trail along Lac Des Arch. The group gets together one weekend every (summer) month to do the work, with some larger project going on throughtout the summer.
The trails were needed to minimize the environmental damage of hikes in the area. The trials would ensure proper water runoff to avoid erosion.
Don Cocherton (297-5969) the Calgary based contact for Volunteer Trail care program, and the work party coordinator Laura-lee Dyke. |
Friends of Kananaskis Volunteer group. |
Kirk Snider, Strider Zobell - Project Leaders | |
Karl Burndorfer, Richard McCue - Adult Leaders | |
Daniel Burndorfer, Ezra Lau, Lyle Wilmot - Scouts |