June 23, 2012, Sponsored by the Foothills Amateur Radio Society: http://www.fars.ca/
Tom Ohba and John Sobkowics have been encouraging us to checkout the world of Ham Radio for quite some time. Well. we got some boys out to the annual event and it was a lot of fun.
The Event was held at Scott Nalder's Farm near Okotoks and although it was a rainy day the weather didn't detract much from the activities.
First thing we got involved with was some Antenna setup activities. Need these up before any transmissions could begin. Then we watch them hook up some of the actual radio equipment. Lots of hi tech stuff here.
Then the event started at exactly 12:00 noon. We were now competing with the rest of North America in getting linked with other Ham radio operators and exchanging their Call handles. Team with the most wins.
We received a great BBQ lunch (supplied by the FoothillsAmateur Radio Society, free of charge :>)
There are a lot of acronyms, here's a few to start with: http://ww2.isys.ca/lberta/qcode1.html
Karl Burndorfer, John Sobkowicz - Scout Leaders | |
William Lloyd, Daniel Urquijo, Sam Lloyd, Ethan Conrad - Scouts | |
Ham Radio Operators - Linda Dimate, Tom Ohba, |