Crow Nest Pass - Summer 99 Camp

August, 1999

This was our summer camp for the year. We used the small home of Edward Norton as our home base. There were many trips to the local highlights. The troop really enjoyed the chilling dives into deep water by Castle Mountain campground. The tour of the Ostrich farm was another highlight.


Complete Log of Events

123 Willow Park Team Members

Karl Burndorfer, Richard McCue - Adult Leaders
Lyle Wilmot, Daniel Burndorfer, Ezra Lau,  Jesse Nelson, Michael Carrier, Brian Olsen - Scouts

Picture Gallery:

R01ReadyToGo.jpg (20790 bytes) Ready to go.

R02IsHeAnAlien.jpg (23515 bytes) He's an alien! R03IsThisTooColdToSwim.jpg (40668 bytes) Is this too cold to swim in? R04SchwartnagerJoeKazoona.jpg (41270 bytes) Schwartnager and Joe Kazoon.
R05HypoThermiaIsReal.jpg (43342 bytes) Hypothermia is real! R07FrozenPeopleDoFloat.jpg (45287 bytes) Frozen people do float. R10HappyHeadingHome.jpg (25413 bytes) Happy to go home. R11SeeMyOwie.jpg (26038 bytes) See my owee.
R12GanolaBefore.jpg (19923 bytes) Ganola before.. R13GanolaAfter.jpg (18741 bytes) Granola after.  R14PeeOnElectricFence.jpg (23942 bytes) Can I pee on an electric fence?