September 17, 2016
Every boy in our Troop got a route and with his family they put out the collection bag notices during the week. Then on the Saturday they went back to collect the donated food and drop it all off here...
Some stats from their site after the event:
The City Wide Food Drive has come and gone, but the donations will keep the shelves at the food bank stocked for the fall. This year, with the help of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their partnering agencies and churches, we raised 400,000 pounds of non-perishable food in a single day. This is one of the largest volunteer events in Calgary and can see anywhere up to 10,000 volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints community and more.
Karl /Nancy Burndorfer, Arny/Sally Vanwierren - YM Leaders / Friends / Neighbors | |
Sam T Dog, Dexter T Dog - Quality Control |