Service - Calgary Food Bank Drive

September 17,  2016

Every boy in our Troop got a route and with his family they put out the collection bag notices during the week. Then on the Saturday they went back to collect the donated food and drop it all off here... 

Some stats from their site after the event:

The City Wide Food Drive has come and gone, but the donations will keep the shelves at the food bank stocked for the fall. This year, with the help of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their partnering agencies and churches, we raised 400,000 pounds of non-perishable food in a single day. This is one of the largest volunteer events in Calgary and can see anywhere up to 10,000 volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints community and more. 

Tem Members

Karl /Nancy Burndorfer, Arny/Sally Vanwierren - YM Leaders / Friends / Neighbors
Sam T Dog, Dexter T Dog - Quality Control

Photo Library

IMG_4426.JPG (2304652 bytes) After collecting our bags we drive in to the model of efficiency. IMG_4427.JPG (2097943 bytes) The assembly line for making my diner should be so slick. IMG_4428.JPG (2971355 bytes) There's Donna, Hi. IMG_4429.JPG (2588290 bytes) There's President Craig, Hi.
IMG_4430.JPG (2333377 bytes) Great upper body workout IMG_4431.JPG (2323302 bytes) This is definitely a well oiled machine IMG_4432.JPG (2404549 bytes) I a minute my van is emptied IMG_4433.JPG (2071840 bytes) A forklift, waiting for the next full box.
IMG_4434.JPG (2023715 bytes) and the cars keep on coming... IMG_4435.JPG (2141565 bytes) Multiple lanes IMG_4436.JPG (2571474 bytes) Like one of those US Toll ways IMG_4437.JPG (2137719 bytes) Lots of semi trailers getting loaded.
IMG_4438.JPG (1885253 bytes) Helpers are everywhere IMG_4440.JPG (2479406 bytes) Great Team eh! IMG_4441.JPG (2462814 bytes) Lots of fun vehicles to drive getting this job done. IMG_4442.JPG (2056412 bytes) Another box loaded on.
IMG_4444.JPG (2163151 bytes) Keep up the good work guys.