Calgary Conservation Education Centre for Excellence - Hunter Safety Course

May 3, 2006

This centre is located at:
911 Sylvester Crescent SW
Calgary, AB T2W 0R8
(403) 252-8474

As part of the Hunter Safety course  provided by Mike Olsen we had a class on wild life identification.  This facility had every species know to live in Alberta. 

The class wrote the exam Wed. May 17, 2006 and everyone passed. 

Willow Park Team Members

Mike Olsen - Instructor
Dave Ramsay, Trymer Morrow, Karl Burndorfer,  - Leaders
123 Troup: Benjamin Burndorfer, Nathan Johnson, Shamir Bechara 
Parkland 173 Troup: Derek Smith, Jonathan Nelson, Trent Rasmussen, Keaton Welch, Matthew McLean.

Photo Library

IMG_2585.JPG (732143 bytes) Did you see that cougar move!! Yea, I think it's stalking us.  IMG_2586.JPG (601762 bytes) So class, this is the back end of a deer, the front end has the pointy things. Now remember that, cause it's on the exam. IMG_2587.JPG (584231 bytes) IMG_2588.JPG (614304 bytes) Notice the grizzlies, don't let the plaid shirt and jeans fool you. The older one is loosing bit of hair. Common thing with them.
IMG_2589.JPG (606555 bytes)When looking for he right coat rack, you want the spines to be far apart, like these.  IMG_2590.JPG (608117 bytes) IMG_2591.JPG (730746 bytes) So lets just hook up their leases and take them for a little walk.   IMG_2610.JPG (665427 bytes) Yea, they have those for after dinner snacks, Then they can pick the meat out of their teeth. 
IMG_2593.JPG (1527916 bytes) So these are the birds that are 1 level above the Do-Do, They're so dumb they don't even know their dead.  IMG_2594.JPG (1738229 bytes) IMG_2595.JPG (711674 bytes) So while they're mesmerized by the bird, the lynx ties their shoe laces together.  IMG_2596.JPG (728173 bytes) I didn't know they had crocodiles here in Alberta? 
IMG_2597.JPG (1736456 bytes) Now this breed is only native to the Alberta Rockies, the rare striped mule dear. Mostly eaten by the crocodiles. IMG_2598.JPG (680541 bytes) If you tickle their ears like this they'll follow you anywhere.  IMG_2599.JPG (654647 bytes) Now see how nimble this goat is, it can climb right up concrete block walls. Is that moose following me??? IMG_2600.JPG (652295 bytes)
IMG_2603.JPG (1756771 bytes) Oh, I just love that scent, what is that cream rinse you use! Don't tell me, Herbal Essence? IMG_2604.JPG (801971 bytes) IMG_2606.JPG (684552 bytes) IMG_2601.JPG (763901 bytes) This is the very wolf that ate the 2 pigs and Goldie Locks...  Really, no kidding. 
IMG_2592.JPG (660613 bytes) Ok kids, you can pose for the nice scouts now.  IMG_2608.JPG (646143 bytes)Lean in a little more this way, kid and say cheese, yea, yea that good. Ok shoot already.   IMG_2605.JPG (630348 bytes) Oh yea, well I may be small, but you guys looked like a you missed a few too many meals yourselves.  IMG_2609.JPG (659101 bytes) He thinks I'm cute now, wait till he finds out I've got his wallet. 
IMG_2607.JPG (644179 bytes) Hey kid, could you do me a favor and just pick the gum out that's stuck between me teeth...
Hey, give it up Andy, they never fall for that one.
IMG_2602.JPG (703670 bytes) I think it's 50 cents to get him to let go of your finger.   Thanks Mike, Great facility!