Did you see that cougar move!! Yea, I think it's stalking us. |
So class, this is the back end of a deer, the front end has the pointy
things. Now remember that, cause it's on the exam. |
Notice the grizzlies, don't let the plaid shirt and jeans fool you. The
older one is loosing bit of hair. Common thing with them. |
looking for he right coat rack, you want the spines to be far apart, like
these. |
So lets just hook up their leases and take them for a little walk. |
Yea, they have those for after dinner snacks, Then they can pick the meat
out of their teeth. |
So these are the birds that are 1 level above the Do-Do, They're so dumb
they don't even know their dead. |
So while they're mesmerized by the bird, the lynx ties their shoe laces
together. |
I didn't know they had crocodiles here in Alberta? |
Now this breed is only native to the Alberta Rockies, the rare striped
mule dear. Mostly eaten by the crocodiles. |
If you tickle their ears like this they'll follow you anywhere. |
Now see how nimble this goat is, it can climb right up concrete block
walls. Is that moose following me??? |
Oh, I just love that scent, what is that cream rinse you use! Don't tell
me, Herbal Essence? |
This is the very wolf that ate the 2 pigs and Goldie Locks...
Really, no kidding. |
Ok kids, you can pose for the nice scouts now. |
in a little more this way, kid and say cheese, yea, yea that good. Ok
shoot already. |
Oh yea, well I may be small, but you guys looked like a you missed a few
too many meals yourselves. |
He thinks I'm cute now, wait till he finds out I've got his wallet. |
Hey kid, could you do me a favor and just pick the gum out that's stuck
between me teeth...
Hey, give it up Andy, they never fall for that one. |
I think it's 50 cents to get him to let go of your finger. |
Mike, Great facility! |