March 16, 2013, -14 Celsius before lunch with strong winds, but it got a bit warmer.
For March we focused on outdoor activities and safety. A new collogue at work wanted to try out some archery in the outdoors. See what the hunting experience might be like. We contacted our old scouter friend Jeff Bondy and he invited us out to his farm. So the boys took in a couple activity nights training on archery and the safety behind it. Also took on the challenge of building some targets to minimize us loosing arrows. The day before the event Jeff called and indicated he and his wife had volunteered to clean up their chapel, so we adjusted our day and the scouts joined in on the cleanup event.
The weather forecasts for our approaching event had Vladimir a bit concerned. With out experience we usually didn't let that bother us too much. After all, the weather changes so fast around here it may just end up a beautify day. (see the last camp). So we sucked it up and moved ahead. Drive out was nice. We followed our maps and got to the Chapel no problems. Everyone pitched in and the vacuuming etc. was all done within an hour.
We headed off to Jeff's farm and then he suggested a place just past a tree stand and close to a set of hay bales. It was a bit nippy with the wind, but we persevered. Only lost a couple arrows. We all headed back for lunch. Carol had the fire place roaring and it was so warm coming into the house. She showed us her bedding plants she was starting for their flower business. She got the boys to build up her wood pile in the house with wood from the barn. Carol was baking us a large chocolate cake in the oven and she indicated it should be ready once we got back from our next outing. So after lunch we headed back. The wind had died down a bit and it was a lot more tolerable. Daniel was determined to get the 60lb bow pulled back to the soft spot. and we only need to help him with a slight bit of support. RJ seems to be a natural. Poor Ethan was left eye dominant so the bow alignment wasn't working out for him. Nat was determine enough and got better with his shots. The whole compound bow thing is a trickier than it looks, but we are all more experienced now and better for it.
Got back to that wonderful chocolate cake. Jeff got his dogs to show off some of their cool tricks. Then after thanking our hosts we headed back home.
Farm Site Area Map | |
Lesson Materials |
Karl Burndorfer, Kendall Cahoon - Scout Leaders | |
Ethan Conrad. R.J. Laigo, Jacob Kellestine, Nathaniel Wilshire - Scouts | |
Daniel Urquijo - Venturer. | |
Jeff and Carol Bondy with Molly and Nella their dogs - Hosts and past scouting leaders | |
Vladimir and daughter Natasha - Friends from work |
All - Make Targets | |
All - Clear Red Deer Chapel |