Lake O'Hara - Ski Hike to cabin

This was a winter night skiing event. Early plans were made to get an evening with a full moon that would rise and set at an appropriate time. We used the WWW to get meteorological data for weather and moon rise & set times by latitude & longitude by date. The boys lined up ski rentals at the University of Calgary (Scout Rate), did the shopping. The Alpine club provided the accommodations at the going rates.


Started the ski at about 8:00 pm. 
Skied for what seemed like forever.
3:00 am gave up trying to reach the 12 km cabin.
Experienced just how good a Mandarin Orange could taste. 
Boys slept and leaders kept fire going until breakfast.
Skied out in great time, downhill is the way to go.

Complete Log of Events

123 Willow Park Team Members

Lyle Wilmot & Darren Stone - Event Leaders
Karl Burndorfer, Richard McCue, Bro. Cooper - Adult Leaders
Daniel Burndorfer, Ezra Lau,  Jesse Nelson, Mack Cooper - Scouts

Picture Gallery:

Bro. Cooper trying to get the hang of those skis.

Ezra showing him how its done.

Bedding down for the night, Sleeping under the stars at minus 20, what could be finer.
Bed time songs to keep spirits up.

Hey, no bugs last night.