Helaman's Encampment - Day Three

July 6, 2011

Got up at 6:00 am to pickup breakfast. Cooked and and packed our lunch and then off to the day's activity by 8:00am.

Man Tracker event.  The game where real horseman hunt and run you down. 

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IMG_3435.JPG (1111639 bytes) Getting harder to get up for 6:00am IMG_3436.JPG (1130650 bytes) Shouldn't have been staying up past 1:00am IMG_3437.JPG (1578272 bytes) IMG_3438.JPG (1365003 bytes) Everyone needs to finish their milk!
IMG_3439.JPG (1443600 bytes) Meeting up with Mitch Massey, an old WP scout leader. IMG_3440.JPG (1272973 bytes) Seen any Tracker guys yet? IMG_3441.JPG (1815705 bytes) Many danger to watch out for! I think their horses were here. IMG_3442.JPG (2283009 bytes) There's a couple of them over there, get under cover guys!
IMG_3444.JPG (1563223 bytes) Crossing the open areas IMG_3445.JPG (1441200 bytes) They could spot us easily out here. IMG_3450.JPG (1583651 bytes) Shade is good! IMG_3451.JPG (931134 bytes) Watch our for vicious bugs!
IMG_3452.JPG (1059376 bytes) The forest  maze. IMG_3453.JPG (1241547 bytes) IMG_3454.JPG (1494530 bytes) IMG_3456.JPG (1475382 bytes) Lumberjack world.
IMG_3457.JPG (1481059 bytes) I need to cut how much wood? IMG_3458.JPG (1490691 bytes) I pull, you pull, I pull, you pull, it's working!
IMG_3462.JPG (1124743 bytes) IMG_3463.JPG (1366346 bytes) So this is the opposite of Limbo, I need to get over it without touching it. IMG_3464.JPG (1378710 bytes) IMG_3465.JPG (1847930 bytes) Fire with magnesium and flint.
IMG_3466.JPG (1549655 bytes) Wind is an issue here. IMG_3467.JPG (1172607 bytes) IMG_3468.JPG (1919102 bytes) IMG_3469.JPG (2005374 bytes)
IMG_3470.JPG (1352403 bytes) Lots of flint scrapping, but no fire. IMG_3471.JPG (1311124 bytes) IMG_3472.JPG (1237568 bytes) We did get this eventually. IMG_3474.JPG (1552970 bytes)
IMG_3480.JPG (1124416 bytes) Ape world, How to swing from a tree to... IMG_3481.JPG (1757660 bytes) IMG_3482.JPG (1073849 bytes) IMG_3483.JPG (1647528 bytes)
IMG_3484.JPG (1640376 bytes) IMG_3486.JPG (1560539 bytes) IMG_3487.JPG (1563946 bytes) Don't let go... IMG_3488.JPG (1681785 bytes)
IMG_3489.JPG (1201248 bytes) IMG_3490.JPG (677202 bytes)
IMG_3492.JPG (1187327 bytes) Nothing like a freezie after a long hot day in the jungles. IMG_3493.JPG (1196681 bytes) Oh, Brain freeze. IMG_3494.JPG (1030381 bytes) I'd need more than one for my brain to freeze.
IMG_3495.JPG (1408655 bytes) How to make Jack laugh... IMG_3496.JPG (1212313 bytes) Just do nothing IMG_3497.JPG (934698 bytes) IMG_3498.JPG (1116980 bytes)
IMG_3499.JPG (960866 bytes) Time to workout a bit with a football IMG_3500.JPG (1140287 bytes) was that 99 or 100? IMG_3501.JPG (1321597 bytes) Aaron takes Jack out to the ball. IMG_3502.JPG (1208410 bytes)
IMG_3503.JPG (1075604 bytes) Fried apples with brown sugar, pretty sweet! IMG_3504.JPG (1318568 bytes) Probably should have peels and cored the apples though.