Helaman's Encampment - Day Four

July 7, 2011

Got up at 6:00 am to pickup breakfast. Cooked and and packed our lunch and then off to the day's activity by 8:00am.

New Brighton leaders did a shift change last night. Everyone's hyped for the Table Mountain hike.  

Photo Library

IMG_3505.JPG (1472263 bytes) Target practice with Kevin's new Blow gun. IMG_3506.JPG (1255013 bytes) Cool darts eh! IMG_3507.JPG (1124076 bytes) Potty Breaks done, we're good to go out for the day.  IMG_3508.JPG (710082 bytes) Ready to board the busses with a view of Table mountain (our destination) behind us. 
IMG_3510.JPG (1299515 bytes) Hopping off the bus... IMG_3511.JPG (1518373 bytes) Crossing the stream... IMG_3512.JPG (1579962 bytes) and the lightened bus crossing the stream. Not quite 4x4 equipped. IMG_3513.JPG (1267365 bytes) Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to hike we go...
IMG_3514.JPG (1425411 bytes) I'm so balanced, I can run over this log bridge. IMG_3515.JPG (1275211 bytes) Ta dah! IMG_3516.JPG (1288564 bytes) Hitting the zigs and zags. IMG_3517.JPG (1111873 bytes) I think that's a zag up there. 
IMG_3521.JPG (852582 bytes) A view of Castle mountain behind us.  IMG_3522.JPG (759421 bytes) and feeling weak from the heat already.  IMG_3523.JPG (1753689 bytes) Felipe's Mother's Day Card. Love ya, Mom! IMG_3525.JPG (1450844 bytes) Walking uphill backwards gives a nice relief to the uphill muscles.
IMG_3527.JPG (1499495 bytes) Laying down does too.  IMG_3528.JPG (949270 bytes) How to apply moleskin to a blister... IMG_3529.JPG (1156086 bytes) Nothing like roadside emergency service! IMG_3530.JPG (707309 bytes) Felipe getting his wind gauge ready.
IMG_3531.JPG (1525961 bytes) How much farther...  IMG_3536.JPG (2136058 bytes) Nice early lunch stop to get refreshed.  IMG_3541.JPG (1257591 bytes) Getting high enough to see snow around you now. IMG_3542.JPG (1077794 bytes) Up on the saddle with views opening on either side. 
IMG_3543.JPG (1158042 bytes) Higher view of Castle mountain again.  IMG_3545.JPG (1125466 bytes) What a view! IMG_3547.JPG (1236999 bytes) Hey guys, there's snow over here... IMG_3548.JPG (1112853 bytes) Lets go...
IMG_3549.JPG (839413 bytes) Seems pretty firm. IMG_3550.JPG (853649 bytes) If I start to slide do I fall off the cliff? IMG_3551.JPG (944596 bytes) No that's not a snowball in my hand... IMG_3552.JPG (920656 bytes) Take that.
IMG_3553.JPG (913198 bytes) Hey, look down there, it's our camp. IMG_3554.JPG (985486 bytes) Hiked a long way and we're still not there.  IMG_3555.JPG (771607 bytes) Snow cones anyone? IMG_3556.JPG (1044420 bytes) This is great. Cold and refreshing eh!
IMG_3557.JPG (949952 bytes) You can even get a brain freeze with these.  IMG_3558.JPG (1026188 bytes) Still good though. IMG_3559.JPG (734053 bytes) The New Brighton boys sign up for the snow cones. IMG_3560.JPG (679656 bytes) Approved!
IMG_3561.JPG (858140 bytes) Trying some new flavors here. IMG_3562.JPG (1752973 bytes) I know someone who'll have a sunburn by time we're done. IMG_3563.JPG (1540216 bytes) Bring it on Mr. Sun.  IMG_3564.JPG (1619055 bytes) So if I had my hand glider I could jump off right here!
IMG_3566.JPG (686543 bytes) The straight and narrow path... IMG_3567.JPG (736601 bytes) Just keeps going up. IMG_3568.JPG (825743 bytes) Alright, I'm packing some snow into my water bottle.  IMG_3570.JPG (950670 bytes) Nothing like going downs so you can go a lot more up. 
IMG_3571.JPG (1087394 bytes) This is where we found the fungusy pink snow, they say we shouldn't eat it. , IMG_3572.JPG (1216384 bytes) Onto the next saddle. And no, we are not there yet.  IMG_3573.JPG (1102266 bytes) First meeting with the guys coming from the other direction. Must be close to half way now. IMG_3574.JPG (1702147 bytes) The view down the other side. 
IMG_3575.JPG (1529087 bytes) No really, we're not there yet. IMG_3576.JPG (1248667 bytes) It just after that mountain up there.  IMG_3579.JPG (1389979 bytes) Think your white camo would help you in the snow, do you? IMG_3580.JPG (1235740 bytes) and the snowballs fly...
IMG_3582.JPG (959144 bytes) Need to nurse the war wounds with some cold clean water.  IMG_3589.JPG (1174939 bytes) They keep telling us, just one more mountain... This better be it! IMG_3590.JPG (1824964 bytes) Look the tiny mountain flowers are bigger than the trees.  IMG_3591.JPG (1125157 bytes) So that's camp Impeesa down there eh.
IMG_3592.JPG (1089158 bytes) That's the mountain face we saw from the parking lot.  IMG_3593.JPG (1293164 bytes) We need to get on top of it.  IMG_3594.JPG (779832 bytes) I made it, well almost.  IMG_3596.JPG (707038 bytes) And I still have 2 water bottles left. 
IMG_3597.JPG (1430009 bytes) Some mountain rock people.  IMG_3598.JPG (990148 bytes) The view back to the 1st part of the cliff.  IMG_3599.JPG (976657 bytes) Ready to launch the 2 avro paper-arrows. IMG_3600.JPG (750562 bytes) Wind is substantial, need to time the launch at the right moment. 
The launch. OK the video was off for the action and on for the rest. Sorry.  The panorama view.
IMG_3604.JPG (1453464 bytes) The decent starts, eat my dust Felipe... IMG_3605.JPG (1214405 bytes) After a short snack, New Brighton team is raring to go. IMG_3606.JPG (1422948 bytes) Hard to slow a good man down.  IMG_3607.JPG (1736873 bytes) On man, do I ever have a lot of rocks in my shoes!
IMG_3608.JPG (1597688 bytes) Pretty steep trail... IMG_3609.JPG (1260407 bytes) Got to keep your eyes on those guys, rocks keep hitting me.  IMG_3610.JPG (1372207 bytes) Great place to stop to get rocks out of your boots.  IMG_3612.JPG (1471772 bytes) OK, Ready to go again. 
IMG_3613.JPG (701586 bytes) Trails getting a bit less steep.  IMG_3614.JPG (1505619 bytes) Look, road markers, we must be on the right trail.  IMG_3615.JPG (1772923 bytes) Maybe we'll get some shade soon.  IMG_3616.JPG (1426014 bytes) Yes, we're almost there. The trail leads right into our camp site.
IMG_3618.JPG (692821 bytes) After the fireside at were informed we had letters from our mothers. IMG_3619.JPG (1149113 bytes) Bishop gets the boys reverent. IMG_3620.JPG (743419 bytes) Almost reverent.  IMG_3621.JPG (1022858 bytes) And they read those letters.  
IMG_3622.JPG (898038 bytes) A great end to a very strenuous day.