Cook-Off - 3 Teams Battle for Top Chefs

January 27, 2016

This year the experienced boys wanted to make some adjustment to the rules.  Got stuck with too much cleanup, and the points for lowing costs did not work out. We did a practice run to work out the Bacon infused crust idea. It actually worked out better on the practice run than at the actual event. Dough was too thick the 2nd time around, but it still was worthy of eating with all that bacon.

New and Improved Cook off Rules


Keep to a grocery budget of $20.
Develop the menu & grocery list with input from your team.
To reduce your costs, bring from home any small items (sugar, flour, spices, etc)
Pick up all needed items prior to Wed 7:00 pm activity time. (Use parent or leader)
Meal preparation will be from 7:15 – 8:00, Taste Testing and cleanup till 8:30.
Bring any need utensils needed to prepare the meal. (Put name on them)
Bring items to assist in cleanup, ie: towels, scouring pads…
All hands stay on deck to clean up our mess. No dumping on leaders!


Points awarded for being under budget. (+10 points if Under 20, -1 for each dollar over) ____
Points awarded for making dishes from scratch. (+10 points for each dish) _____
Points awarded for use of reusable materials. (+10) _____
Head chef’s team assignments and oversight of the preparation (+15 for Duty roster, +15 good oversight and team organization) _____
Overall team participation (-10 each person not engaged more than ˝ allotted time) ____
Unable to complete on time (-5 for each 10 minutes over) _____
Nutrition and Taste, followed by presentation. (+20 nutrition, +15 Taste, +10 presentation) ____
Time spend on Cleanup (each boy x 15min = 20) _____
Mess left behind (-50) _____

Total Score ______

Each team should:

Check-in with Menu, Grocery list used, Duty roster
Each team needs an Adult support rep for advice.
Adult Judge from another group to score them during the prep and tasting processes.
Should invite guests of their choice to taste test their meal.

Team Members

Karl Burndorfer, Keith Hall , Matt Godfrey, Steve Ouwerkirk - Leaders
Sam, Aaron, David, Kolton, - 'A' team.

Photo Library

Practice Run for 'A' Team      
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