Day Trip - Bebo Grove 

July 19, 2020 (COVID days)

Being cramped up in the home takes it's toll. Nothing like grabbing a towel, trunks and some snacked and hitting Fish Creek.

Team Members

Josh, Jack, Ike, Ephraim, Michael, Sam, Philip,  - Young men
Karl, Rob, Sherry & Mike, Bishop - Leaders
20200729_201512.jpg (3484914 bytes) Safe and comfy, for now... 20200729_201514.jpg (3962324 bytes) What happens if I open this valve here?  20200729_201516.jpg (4614428 bytes) I'm coming to save you Sam, from that evil tube popping Philip guy. 20200729_201524.jpg (4876957 bytes) Sam is my shield, right Sam? 
20200729_201532.jpg (3964402 bytes) OK, not a shield. 20200729_201536.jpg (3564222 bytes) Where did she go? Do we have to dreg the bottom to find her body?  20200729_201537.jpg (5071447 bytes) On the offensive now, you guys don't even get your t-shirt wet yet.  20200729_201540.jpg (9198769 bytes) They're running now that my shield popped back up...
20200729_201548.jpg (10199815 bytes) Michael, are you showing signs of freezing up? it's the shorts right? 20200729_201600.jpg (9948806 bytes) Freezing up? Not Philip and Sam. Are you back as my body shield or body guard? 20200729_201602.jpg (9715166 bytes) Neither.  20200729_201608.jpg (9508791 bytes) Want a drink from my water bottle? 
20200729_201612.jpg (8249066 bytes) Gee, his mouth wasn't open, and he wasted my water all over is dry shirt. 20200729_201622.jpg (8960561 bytes) OK, heavy artillery is coming out now. 20200729_201627.jpg (8794860 bytes) Good thing Sam scooted out of the path of that one. 20200729_201629.jpg (8660217 bytes) More heavy lobs are skirting Sam's tube.
20200729_203505.jpg (4358138 bytes) This is what "having to go home now" looks like 20200729_203508.jpg (7921214 bytes) So how come she didn't use that water bottle for the water fight? 20200729_203513.jpg (3452091 bytes) And why do parents come and not get wet? 20200729_203522.jpg (3598493 bytes) Ephraim with clenched teeth, but loved it. And Michael's shorts grew long again.
We went again in 2021, June 16th, still COVID.      
20210616_195137.jpg (1155580 bytes) More swimming 20210616_203638.jpg (1147853 bytes) more campfires.